The landscape of education and learning has experienced a drastic change in the aftermath of the Covid-19 episode. Although the change started during the prolonged lockdown period, its real bloom is ongoing now. We are talking about online learning, which emerged as a possible learning method during lockdown, along with working from home.

Although started to continue the regular courses of school and teaching, online courses soon took professional courses under its envelope. E-courses have become hugely popular because of their flexibility, convenience, and affordability. Certainly, E-course creation presents a huge possibility for businesses, but here is the catch. Your plan of online course monetization is only going to work if you are presenting courses as per the market trend.

It’s not a problem if you don’t know what the trends are because we have a curated list for all trending online courses of 2024. Go through the list if you are planning for E-course creation and have an edge over your competitors in the course creation process.

Data Science

From customer relationships to software development, the application of data science is everywhere. Organizations place a high emphasis on data analysis for decision-making and predicting trends. Hence, there is a huge demand to fill positions like data analysts, quantitative researchers, UX researchers, machine learning engineers, and business analysts. Needless to say, adding data science in your course offering is a positive step towards online course monetization.
To make the course attractive and effective you should include all the necessary and on-demand aspects of data science. For example, training in programming languages like Python or R, including data manipulation libraries (e.g., Pandas, NumPy), visualization tools (e.g., Matplotlib, ggplot2), and machine learning frameworks (e.g., Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow). Big data analytics is also a hotcake skill now so your course should also have tools and frameworks like Hadoop, and Spark. Basics of deep learning architectures, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), for tasks like image recognition, natural language processing, and time series analysis.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The importance and demand for AI/ML-trained candidates are at their highest nowadays. Especially in an inflated marketplace where each day a new AI-driven app is launching in app stores, and SaaS businesses are adding AI models to their service. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are a ‘must’ inclusion in your course creation process.
The course should cover a range of programming languages, tools, and libraries to give students the necessary skills. A few of the technologies that are taught are REST-API, Python, MySQL, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, and Keras. Students, after completing such courses can land lucrative jobs like AI research scientist, AI software developer, data engineer, machine learning engineer, Natural language Processing (NLP) engineer, etc.

Digital Marketing

Businesses today like to be present in front and the minds of their target audience all the time. The easiest way to do that is by showing up on their email, social media, YouTube, and at every touch point of the internet landscape where the target audience is present. In brief, this is known as digital marketing. With the ever-increasing number of internet users digital marketing presents a huge opportunity for businesses and digital marketing specialists alike.
Include digital marketing in your E-course creation journey because the demand for digital marketing experts is higher than ever now. Especially, a lot of people are trying to make their mark as successful social media influencers, new entrepreneurs are trying to find their way in the maze of Google Ads, Instagram algorithms, or Facebook marketing. Your course can be a guiding star for them. But digital marketing is a layered niche so your course design must include the following specializations:
Digital Marketing (paid ads, SEO, etc..)
Influencer Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Content Marketing
Social Media Marketing

Cyber Security

Digital devices and the internet have added many conveniences to our lives, but even the biggest fan of the internet will not vouch that it’s a very safe place. Intruders, hackers, and malicious software are always trying to break into servers, devices, and networks for their unscrupulous purposes. A group of people who stand as watchdogs and warriors against these threats are called the cyber security experts.
To match your level with industry standards your online cyber security course creation process must include foundational knowledge on malware, phishing, and social engineering, and principles of secure network architecture with firewalls, VPNs, and intrusion detection systems. These should be followed by advanced topics like cryptography, ethical hacking, and incident response planning. Simulation training is an essential part of this course to provide students with hands-on experience in mitigating cyber threats and managing security incidents.


Python doesn’t need any introduction. This high-level programming language is not specialized for any specific problem, rather it can be termed as the stem cell of programming. Because Python can be used for everything, whether it is building web applications, AI and machine learning, mobile applications, or games, Python is everywhere.
Python has gained huge popularity because of its simplicity with a rich collection of libraries. It’s an open-source coding language that has a simple syntax to code. It’s popular among the developers because it uses simple English instead of punctuation which makes coding easier and quicker. Besides, the source code is downloadable and modifiable, and its portability allows for cross-platform operation. By now you have understood that not having Python in your E-course creation planning will be a major blow to your online course monetization dream.

As we look forward to 2024, E-course creation that aligns with current trends is crucial for successful online course monetization. Fields like data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning, digital marketing, cyber security, and Python programming are not only in high demand but also substantial opportunities for both learners and course creators.

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